Track | Information Processing, Modeling, and Simulation |
Track Chairs | Dr. Warren Fox, University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory |
Session | IPMS-4 Operations Models I |
Day | Wednesday, September 21, 2005 |
Time | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
Room | 14 |
Session Co-Chair(s) | Warren Fox Maureen Kenny |
Author | Ameer Khan |
Co-Author(s) | Ameer Khan, School of Aerospace, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, RMIT University
Kaye E. Marion, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University |
Paper Title | Ship Motion Prediction for Launch and Recovery of Air Vehicles |
Author | Frank Aikman |
Co-Author(s) | Frank Aikman III; Mark Vincent
Paper Title | Operational Estuarine and Coastal Forecast Model Systems in NOAA's Ocean Service |
Author | Changsheng Chen |
Co-Author(s) | Mac Rawson; Georgia Sea Grant College Program; The University of Georgia, 208 Marine Sciences Bldg., Athens, GA 30602-3636
(; ph 706-542-5954; fax 706-542-3652) |
Paper Title | An Ecosystem Management Model System for the Satilla River Estuary, Georgia |
Author | Jennifer Werner |
Co-Author(s) | Michael Evans; Thomas Bethem |
Paper Title | Real-time Narrative Summaries for NOAA's PORTSĀ® |
Papers in green have been moved to a new room and/or time within the past 30 days. Papers in red have withdrawn from the conference. |