Click on a session title to view the session's details.  Sessions within the Underwater Imaging - Non-Acoustic track are highlighted in blue.
01 02 03 04 05 06   07 08 09 10 11 12   13 14 15 16 17 18  
Sep 20
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Passive Polarimetric Ocean Observations
(Godin,R; Gaiser,P)
The WindSat Polarimetric Radiometer and Ocean Wind Measurements (050303-10)
Dr. Peter Gaiser
WindSat Ocean Surface Wind Vector and Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals (050304-141)
Michael Bettenhausen
Ocean Retrievals for WindSat: Algorithm, Radiative Transfer Model, and Validation (050206-01)
Dr. Thomas Meissner
Underwater Magnetic Target Localization
(Carroll,P; Purpura,J)
Unscented particle filter for tracking a magnetic dipole target (050304-59)
Dr. Marius Birsan
Generalized Magnetic Gradient Contraction Based Method for Detection, Localization and Discrimination of Underwater Mines and Unexploded Ordnance (050304-129)
Dr. Roy Wiegert
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Underwater Magnetic Dipole Localization (050225-06)
Aditya Gadre
Ocean Exploration Data Management: No Data, No Information, No Nobel!
(Mesick,S; Rutz,S)
Ocean Exploration Data Management: A Success Story (050408-05)
Sharon Mesick
An Ocean Data Archivist's Perspective During an Ocean Exploration Cruise (050520-01)
Steven Rutz
NOAA Video Data Management System (VDMS): No Video, No Oscar! (050410-01)
Ms. Anna Fiolek
The NODC Archive Management System: Archiving Marine Data for Ocean Exploration and Beyond (050520-02)
Mr. Donald Collins
The Digital Atlas and the NOAA Library Catalog: Data, Information, Nobel! - Site Demonstration (050706-01)
Sharon Mesick
Ocean Observing: Data Management and Communications for the IOOS I
(Lever,J; Hankin,S)
NOAA's Contributions to the Integrated Ocean Observing System (050415-86)
Ms. Emily Larkin
Integrated Architectures and Modeling Tools (050302-04)
Mr. Ramon Williams
Data Access Interoperability within IOOS (050304-97)
Peter Cornillon
The Southeastern University Research Association Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program: Integrating Marine Science and Information Technology (050301-04)
Dr. Philip Bogden
AUV New Vehicle Designs
(Brancart,C; Ura,T)
Development of the Remus 600 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (050304-123)
Mr. Roger Stokey
The development of a free-swimming UUV for mine neutralization (050304-151)
Mr. Bryan Schulz
Development of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Observation of Underwater Structures (050318-02)
Mr. Satomi Ohata
Workhorse AUV - A cost-sensible new Autonomous Vehicle for Surveys/Soundings, Search & Rescue, and Research (050304-111)
Bob Anderson
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology I
(Wynne,T; Ransibrahmanakul,V)
Bathythermograph Error Analysis and Reduction (BEAR) (050302-13)
Mr. Donald DelBalzo
Long-term regional marine surface water measurements in the Caribbean, Bahamas and Straits of Florida. (050415-64)
Ms. Elizabeth Williams
Sep 20
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Matched Field and Time Reversal Processing I
(Gaumond,C; Rendas,M)
Detection enhancement using multiple time-reversed guide sources in shallow water (050304-94)
Dr. David Calvo
The effect of coherence and noise on the decomposition of the time reversal operator (050304-106)
Dr. David Fromm
Robust Tracking of Longitudinal Objects Lying on the Sea Floor with an AUV equipped of a Scanning Sonar (050304-33)
Dr. Christian Barat
Buoy Technology I
(Paul,W; Cole,R)
A New Generation of TABS II Buoy for the Texas Automated Buoy System (050416-05)
Mr. John Walpert
TRIAXYS Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Comparison Study (050330-01)
Mr. Randolph Kashino
Satellite data link buoy for wave-current measurement in very shallow waters (050315-01)
Dr. Lavinio Gualdesi
The Evolution of Radio/Acoustic Communication Gateway Buoys (050314-01)
Mr. Bill Marn
Ocean Exploration and Archaeology I
(Phaneuf,B; Broadwater,J)
Investigating the Unknown: Converting the USNS CAPABLE to Explore the World's Oceans (050418-04)
Mr. John McDonough
A 19th Century Shipwreck and the Myth of Deep Ocean Preservation (050302-15)
Mr. Hawk Tolson
An Overview of Stabilization and Storage of Deep Water Iron Encrustations  (050307-03)
Mr. Wyatt Yeager
Diving and Life Support Systems
(Balk,D; Dorin,H)
The Use of Metal Hydrides as a Cooling Source for Divers (050207-01)
Dr. Marshall Nuckols
Life Support Breathing System for First Responders and Homeland Security: TACR  Tactical Rebreather (050210-06)
Mr. Mark Johnson
Marine Forensics -- Historic Shipwrecks, Determination of the Root Cause (050215-11)
Mr. William Garzke
Communications, Navigation, and Safety: DP and Nav Methods
(Gardner,J; Eustice,R)
Control of ship replenishment by output feedback synchronization (050304-49)
Ms. Anne Karin Bondhus
Formation Control of Marine Craft using Constraint Functions (050303-07)
Mr. Ivar-Andre Ihle
Positioning of an Underwater Vehicle Based on Model-Known Vision System (050217-06)
Dr. Shuo Li
Conserving and Restoring Coastal Habitat I
Assessing the potential for natural recovery and coral restoration techniques for enhancing coral habitat in Jamaica (050419-02)
Dr. Norman Quinn
Structural Reef Restoration and Coral Transplantation to the R/V Columbus Iselin Grounding Site in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (050209-04)
Mr. J. Hudson
Rivers to Reefs - Watersheds Affect Ocean Reefs (050215-03)
Ms. Cathy Sakas
Sep 20
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Marine Law and Policy I
(McLean,C; Blaydes,M)
Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards in the African Coastal and Ocean ENvironment: Need for Holistic, Pragmatic Early Warning System and Management Approach (050302-01)
Dr. Larry Awosika
Prospects and Obstacles to Large Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Benguela Current Region (050304-99)
Mr. Jesse Mechling
Strengthening Federal Interagency Collaboration in the Ocean Policy Arena: Learning from Experience (050303-08)
Mr. Gerhard Kuska
NOAA's Ecosystem Approach to Management (050415-50)
Mr. James Burgess
Information Networks
(Fox,W; Kenny,M)
One-Day Wave Forecast Using Buoy Data and Artificial Neural Networks (050412-02)
Dr. Shreenivas Londhe
Multiple-UUV Approach for Enhancing Connectivity in Underwater Ad-hoc Sensor Networks (050414-17)
Dr. Winston Seah
Underwater Propagation and Scattering I
(Foote,K; Soukup,R)
Acoustic Detection of Thermohaline Staircases in the Ocean and Laboratory (050303-16)
Dr. Raymond Schmitt
A Finite Element Model for Acoustic Scattering from Objects Near the Ocean Bottom (050304-56)
Dr. Joseph Shirron
Low-Frequency Resonant Scattering from Fish in Littoral Environments (050307-04)
Mr. Raymond Soukup
Oceans and Human Health I
(Collier,T; Smith,W)
Connecting the Oceans and Human Health through Research and Education (050304-80)
Susan Lovelace
An Ecosystem Approach to Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in Cuba: Preliminary Results (050305-04)
Ms. Karen Morrison
Estimation of Disease-Induced Mortalities in Outmigrant Salmon Associated with Environmental Stressors in the Columbia River Basin (050203-06)
Dr. Frank Loge
Marine and Ocean Education I
(Keener-Chavis,P; Walker,S)
NOAA'S Discovery Center: Critically Reviewed Education Models For Presenting Earth And Ocean Science (050215-16)
Mr. Bruce Moravchik
The effects of a marine and coastal resource education project on urban science teachers' curricula, pedagogical practices, and sense of place (050205-01)
Prof. Ross Nehm
The COMET® Program: Satellite Education and Training Resources for the Meteorology and Ocean Communities (050304-100)
Mr. Patrick Dills
Ocean Observation Education - Getting Organized
(Meeson,B; Cook,S)
Using Ocean Observing Systems to Promote Lifelong Ocean Education  (050304-60)
Dr. Blanche Meeson
The ORION Education Plan: Prioritizing and Planning for Education and Outreach for the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks initiative.  (050415-83)
Dr. Susan Cook
Developing Education and Outreach Programs in Regional Ocean Observing Systems (050415-19)
Dr. Mike Spranger
Utilizing the data from NOAA's observing systems to achieve environmental literacy (050415-102)
Dr. Carrie McDougall
Sep 20
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
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Sep 20
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
Combined Active and Passive Microwave Techniques
(Jones,W; Monaldo,F)
A Novel Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Technique for Measuring Ocean Surface Wind Vector  (050305-07)
Dr. W. Linwood Jones
Joint Processing of the Signals Backscattered from and Emitted by the Sea Surface  (050213-04)
Dr. Astghik Hambaryan
Sea Surface Radar-Radiometer Joint Image's Natural Origin Signatures Radio Contrast and Spatial Size's Distributions Properties for Various Meteorology and Seas (050213-01)
Prof. Artashes Arakelyan
A Measuring Complex of Polarimetric, Combined Radar-Radiometers of S-, and Ku-Band of Frequencies for Vessel and Airborne Application (050213-03)
Dr. Astghik Hambaryan
Underwater Buried Mine Detection, Localization and Classification
(Carroll,P; Clem,T)
Initial Evaluation of the New Real-time Tracking Gradiometer Designed for Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (050322-03)
Mr. George Allen
Real-Time Tracking Gradiometer for use in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Buried Minehunting (050411-09)
Dr. Sankaran Kumar
The magnitude and distribution of ambient fluctuations in the scalar magnetic field. (050414-16)
Dr. Zahir Daya
Initial Demonstration of the Laser Scalar Gradiometer for Buried Minehunting (050322-02)
Ted Clem
Ocean Instrumentation I: CTD and Bathymetry
(Cronin,D; Alleman,P)
IMI-30: A 30 kHz Imaging and Mapping Instrument (050418-03)
Mr. Mark Rognstad
Instrumentation for the measurement of shallow seabed topography by a fishing echo sounder (050415-03)
Dr. Katsumori Hatanaka
A New Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Device for High Resolution Oceanographic Measurements (050303-23)
Mr. Robert Petitt
A fouling protected conductivity sensor for long-term salinity measurements in the upper ocean. (050304-57)
Dr. Raymond Schmitt
Ocean Observing: Data Management and Communications for the IOOS II
(Lever,J; Hankin,S)
Construction of Marine Vocabularies in the Marine Metadata Interoperability Project (050415-74)
Dr. Luis Bermudez
The Data Acquisition and Control Network (DACNet) Ocean Observing Operating System (050304-83)
Mr. R. Adams
Learning Approaches for Data Management, IOOS and GEOSS (050317-03)
Dr. John Lyon
AUV Enabling Technology
(Brancart,C; Horner,D)
Alumina Ceramic 3.6in Flotation Spheres for 11 KM ROV/AUV Systems (050207-08)
Steve Weston
Battery Arrays, Rechargable li-ion power sources for marine applications (050131-03)
Mr. Jon Crowell
Development of an Underwater Manipulator mounted for an AUV (050305-02)
Mr. Makoto Ishitsuka
Optimal Thrust Characteristics of a Synthetic Jet Actuator for Small Underwater Vehicles (050415-100)
Prof. Kamran Mohseni
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology II
(Aikman,F; Crout,R)
Instantaneous Current Prediction for Naval Operations  (050301-25)
Prof. Peter Chu
Observations of Downward and Upward Propagating Near-Inertial Waves in the Western Gulf of Mexico (050415-27)
Dr. Bruce Magnell
Redetermining the Tidal Current Predictions for the Hudson River, NY (050415-77)
Ms. Laura Rear
Seasonal Characterization of Currents of Northern California's Humboldt Bay (050414-06)
Ms. Karen Earwaker
Sep 20
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
Matched Field and Time Reversal Processing II
(Rendas,M; Gaumond,C)
Robust adaptive matched-field localization based on a subspace projection distance estimator (050304-12)
Dr. ShiXin Zou
Adaptive matched field processing with mismatch environment and moving sources (050304-09)
Dr. Kunde Yang
Matched field processing in a mismatch and multi-source environment (050304-10)
Dr. Kunde Yang
Buoy Technology II
(Cole,R; Paul,W)
From Alaska to the South Pacific in One-Hop (050302-05)
Mr. Rick Cole
The Use of Snubbers as Strain Limiters in Moorings (050416-06)
Mr. Mark Chaffey
On Compliance in Coastal Moorings (050309-02)
Dr. James Irish
Ocean Exploration and Archaeology II
(Søreide,F; Phaneuf,B)
Comparative Photometric Analysis of Structural Degradation on the Bow of RMS Titanic (050204-06)
David Bright
Experimental deep-water archaeology (050304-90)
Mr. Neil Dobson
Ormen Lange: Investigation and excavation of a shipwreck in 170m depth (050415-07)
Dr. Fredrik Søreide
Recovering the Lost Treasures of Ipiutak (Pt. Hope), Alaska (050303-36)
Dr. Philip McGillivary
Seafloor Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering
(Herrmann,H; Blumenberg,M)
Design and Installation of Suction Piles for Breakwater Foundation (050118-01)
Prof. Sangchul Bang
Lateral Holding Capacity of Skirted Foundations on Soft Seafloor Soil (050415-47)
Mr. David Thompson
Updated Foundation Stability Model for Soft Clay (050415-48)
Dr. Daniel True
Communications, Navigation and Safety: Safe Navigation Technology
(Nyberg,J; Stokey,R)
An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Underwater Acoustic Networks (050304-104)
Prof. Volkan Rodoplu
High-Data-Rate, Line-of-Site Network Radio for Mobile Maritime Communications (050305-05)
Mr. Christopher Moffatt
Laser Range Lights (050216-01)
Dr. Gennady Kaloshin
Conserving and Restoring Coastal Habitat II
Conserving Coastal Habitats One Partner at a Time (050406-02)
Susan Mangin
Design of Sustainable Tidal Creeks for Beneficial Use (Created) Marshes in Galveston Bay (050207-06)
Dr. Thomas Ravens
From the mountains to the sea: restoring shaded coffee plantations to protect tropical coastal ecosystems (050224-04)
Mr. Leopoldo Miranda-Castro
Scallop Dredging in the New York Bight: Substrate Changes and Associated Recovery Rates  (050415-39)
Dr. William Phoel
Sep 20
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
Marine Law and Policy II
Effectively Addressing Ecosystem Understanding: Solutions to the Limitations of Current Fisheries and Oceans Policy (050207-05)
Dr. Richard Thorne
Bridging biodiversity and tourism towards sustainable development of sandy beaches (050303-24)
Dr. Marcin Jedrzejczak
NOAA's Ocean Acoustics Program -- Supporting Science, Management, and Public Education (050304-98)
Dr. Brandon Southall
The Law Governing Autonomous Undersea Vehicles: What an Operator Needs to Know (050201-01)
Ms. Stephanie Showalter
Environmental Risks and Ocean Industries (050302-11)
Dr. James Marsh
Data Management Algorithms
(Fox,W; Creed,E)
From Raw Data to Observing Products with SSDS: Fishes and Wishes (050415-93)
Mr. Kevin Gomes
Multi-Satellite Cloud Product Generation over Land and Ocean using Canonical Coordinate Features (050223-04)
Ms. Amanda Falcone
Underwater Transducers and Sonar Systems I
(DelBalzo,D; Foote,K)
AQS-20 Through-the-Sensor (TTS) Performance Assessment (050215-17)
Mr. Michael Harris
A Versatile System-Independent Echo-Repeater System (050304-110)
Mr. Richard Menis
Oceans and Human Health II
(Vogt,B; Collier,T)
Colonization of shellfish by pathogenic Vibrios  (050303-30)
Dr. Rohinee Paranjpye
Artisanal Fishing: Environment Education as Prevention of Occupational Risks  (050415-16)
Ms. Evelyn Albizu
Marine and Ocean Education II
(Walker,S; Moulton,E)
ROV'ing Into the National Marine Sanctuaries (050228-12)
Ms. Kate Thompson
Systematics as a Hypothesis-Based Science and its Fundamental Role in Understanding Oceans (050304-140)
Allen Collins
Ocean Observation Education - New Courses for High School and Post Secondary
(Meeson,B; Geer,I)
Online Ocean Studies: An Undergraduate Distance-Learning Course Utilizing Ocean and Coastal Observing Systems (050304-43)
Dr. Ira Geer
Ocean Surface Currents (050415-72)
Ms. M. Tweedie
Educational Needs in the Changing Field of Operational Oceanography: Training the People that will Sustain Munk's 1+1=3 Scenario (050415-67)
Dr. Scott Glenn
A New Master of Sciences Degree in Ocean Observing System at Texas A&M University (050304-30)
Dr. Steven DiMarco
Sep 20
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
01 02 03 04 05 06   07 08 09 10 11 12   13 14 15 16 17 18  
Sep 20
4:00 PM
5:25 PM
Active Microwave Ocean Observations
(Weissman,D; Monaldo,F)
Hurricane Wind Retrievals Using the SeaWinds Scatterometer on QuikSCAT (050412-10)
Mr. Ian Adams
QuikSCAT Radiometer Rain Rates for Wind Vector Quality Control (050214-01)
Dr. W Linwood Jones
Corrections to Scatterometer Wind Vectors: Removing and Calibrating Rain Induced Errors Using High Resolution NEXRAD Radar Measurements (050331-03)
Dr. David Weissman
Oceanic Rain Identification using Multi-Fractal Analysis of QuikSCAT Sigma-0 (050415-91)
Ms. Vasud Torsekar
The Application of QuikSCAT Winds in the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center (050215-10)
Joseph Sienkiewicz
Underwater Electromagnetic Target Detection
(Carroll,P; Birsan,M)
The effects of seawater on the EMI response of UXO (050222-04)
Bill SanFilipo
Magnetic Field Measurements of Limpet Mines Attached to a Ship's Steel Hull (050222-03)
Jessica Linck
Using the Bayesian theory to design the ocean floor electromagnetic sounding experiment (050504-01)
Dr. Marius Birsan
Ocean Instrumentation II: Current Sensing and Stability
Analysis of band-passed directional wave data (050211-15)
Torstein Pedersen
A Comparison of Two Measurement Systems Designed to Provide Real-Time Current Information In Support of Navigation (050302-03)
Dr. Kathryn Bosley
Design and Simulation of a Two Stage Towing System (050304-71)
Dr. Craig Woolsey
The 2nd Generation Environmental Sample Processor: Evolution of a Robotic Underwater Biochemical Laboratory (050304-05)
Mr. Brent Roman
Ocean Observing: Oceanographic Information Processing I
(Lever,J; Hankin,S)
A Comparison of NOAA Hydrographic Data Processing Methods Old and New (050415-46)
Ms. Crescent Moegling
Ocean Surface Feature Extraction and Targets Detection From SAR Images Using Neural Network (050304-89)
Prof. Mingxin Nie
Designing a Quality Oceanographic Data Processing Environment (050415-62)
Mr. Chris Paternostro
AUV Applications and Recent Results
(Parry,J; Ura,T)
Results from MBARI's Integrated Mapping System (050217-03)
Mr. William Kirkwood
Observation Behavior of an AUV for Ship Wreck Investigation (050415-96)
Prof. Hayato Kondo
AUVs for ANSWRS - ANtarctic Studies of the Western Ross Sea (050304-124)
Dr. Philip McGillivary
First Sea Trial of Underwater Observation System Using Autonomous Towed Vehicle (050304-135)
Mr. Tetsuya Shiraishi
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology III
(Myers III,E; Crout,R)
Assessment of Ocean Prediction Model for Naval Operations Using Acoustic Preset (050302-16)
Prof. Peter Chu
The integration of a hurricane wind hazard model with deep-water and nearshore wave models (050214-04)
Dr. Zhanxian Wang
Effects of surface waves on wind-driven current in a shallow water (050412-01)
Dr. Zhenhua Huang
Sep 20
4:00 PM
5:25 PM
Classification of Underwater Targets I
(Dobeck,G; Azimi-Sadjadi,M)
A Probabilistic Model for Score-based Algorithm Fusion (050415-30)
Dr. Gerald Dobeck
Cascaded Volterra Fusion of Processing Strings for Automated Sea Mine Classification in Shallow Water  (050304-55)
Dr. Tom Aridgides
Ocean Industry II
M3: Multi-Mach Maglev Transport In Sub-Surface Ocean Tubes (050303-42)
Dr. James Powell
Application of the scattering matrix theory to the hydrodynamic forces on a multi-hull structure in waves (050128-01)
Prof. Ken Tkagi
Ocean Exploration and Archaeology III
(Phaneuf,B; Irion,J)
Update on the Mica Shipwreck Excavation Project (050411-06)
Mr. Brett Phaneuf
International Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (050406-04)
Mr. Robert Blumberg
Development of a Real-Time GIS Mapping System for Deep-Sea Excavation of Shipwrecks (050411-05)
Mr. Brett Phaneuf
GIS Applications and Site Assessment in Seafloor Engineering
(Thompson,D; True,D)
Friction Angle of Sand from Minicone Soundings at Shallow Depth (050215-13)
Prof. Mark Tufenkjian
Development of Near Real Time Software to aid in At-Sea Seafloor Engineering Decision Making with a GIS interface (050415-52)
Ms. Diane Beasley
Communications, Navigation and Safety: AUV and UW Vehicle Nav
(Curtin,T; Hobson,B)
Towards Bathymetry-Optimized Doppler Re-navigation for AUVs (050304-149)
Dr. Ryan Eustice
A New Procedure for Simultaneous Navigation of Multiple AUV's (050415-61)
Mr. Bradley Baker
Spatial Relationship Surveys of Navigation and Survey Instrumentation of NOAA Hydrographic Ships and Launches (050415-25)
Mr. Kendall Fancher
Ocean and Coastal Water Pollution
Development of a new acoustic communication technology for ballast water exchange compliance (050214-09)
Dr. Kushal Talukdar
Measurement of oil related pollution in the coastal region of Sultanate of Oman (050215-01)
Dr. Ahmad Sana
Sep 20
4:00 PM
5:25 PM
Mathematical Models
(Fox,W; Candy,J)
Wave field generation with controlled instantaneous and spectral statistics (050417-02)
Ms. Sara Cosme
Identification of Frequency Dependent Viscous Damping (050304-13)
Mr. Andrew Ross
Comparative study of algorithms obtaining reduced order state-space form of radiation forces (050214-03)
Ms. Kari Unneland
Analysis on the characteristics of phase difference sequence in super wide coverage multi-beam echo sounder (050326-01)
Dr. Haisen Li
Underwater Transducers and Sonar Systems II
(Foote,K; DelBalzo,D)
Oceanographic Effects on Optimized Multistatic Sonobuoy Fields (050304-128)
Mr. Donald DelBalzo
Calculation Method of the Velocity Weighting Vector for a Conformal Array of Underwater Acoustic Projecting Transducers (050317-06)
Mr. Zhengyao He
Sound Field Calculation for Underwater Acoustic Projecting Transducer Array of Arbitrary Shape (050317-05)
Mr. Zhengyao He
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology IV
(Gross,T; Williams 3rd,A)
Bridging the Policy and Technology Gap: A Process to Instantiate Maritime Domain Awareness (050414-12)
Mr. George Galdorisi
Building a Global Ocean Observing System for Climate (050316-09)
Dr. Diane Stanitski
The acquisition of real time full water column current profiles in depths exceeding 6,000ft using ADCPs. (050607-01)
Mr. Jan van Smirren
Marine and Ocean Education III
(Zande,J; Keener-Chavis,P)
One Ocean - One Global Classroom (050304-32)
Ms. Mellie Lewis
Reaching Out in New Ways: Working with Alternative Schools and Underrepresented Groups to Improve Ocean Literacy Through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Ocean Exploration (050302-02)
Ms. Catalina Martinez
The Hawaii Underwater Robot Challenge (050418-02)
Mr. Mark Rognstad
Ocean Observation Education - Opportunities for K-12 Educators I
(Meeson,B; Hotaling,L)
NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries Live! (050204-03)
Michiko Martin
Using Ocean Observing Systems Data in K-12 Classrooms (050415-76)
Ms. Janice McDonnell
Coastal Ocean Observing Technology Transfer to Educators (050316-08)
Dr. Lundie Spence
High School Oceanography and Technology: Bringing the Ocean to Class (050504-02)
Ms. Maxine Packheiser
Sep 20
4:00 PM
5:25 PM
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Sep 21
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Remotely Sensed Ocean Optics-Algorithms
(Arnone,R; Bayler,E)
Use of the first and second chlorophyll absorption bands for marine biogeochemical patch recognition (050203-05)
Prof. Karl Heinz Szekielda
Modeling of the fluorescence retrieval from reflectance spectra using polarization discrimination (050303-11)
Dr. Alexander Gilerson
Estimating Absorption Due to Detritus and Colored Dissolved Organic Material From Satellite and Its Potential Applicability as Tracer for the Mississippi Plume (050304-21)
Dr. Varis Ransibrahmanakul
Microwave Remote Sensor Calibration and Validation
(Ebuchi,N; Gottshall,E)
Calibration/Validation of the SeaWinds Radiometer (050415-78)
Mr. Pet Laupattarakasem
Satellite Calibration and Validation Utilizing the Airborne Polarimetric Microwave Imaging Radiometer (APMIR) (050214-07)
Mr. David Dowgiallo
Evaluation of marine surface winds observed by active and passive microwave sensors on ADEOS-II (050407-01)
Prof. Naoto Ebuchi
Ocean Instrumentation III: Monitoring and Telemetry
Versatile use of MetOcean Systems for safety, environmental monitoring, science and recreation. (050122-01)
Dr. Anders Tengberg
Low Cost, Low Power, Undersea Sensor Telemetry Design (050415-99)
Mr. Michael Holt
Compact Shipboard Antenna System for Simultaneous Communication with Three Separate Satellites (050304-40)
Dr. Eric Walton
The Integrated Ocean Observing System Coastal Module II
(Klemas,V; Christian,R)
Global Observing System for the Other Side of the Coast (050531-01)
Prof. Robert Christian
The Carolinas Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction System: A User-Driven System (050304-67)
Dr. Madilyn Fletcher
Bio-physical Interactions in Ocean Margin Ecosystems (BIOME): Understanding Coastal Dynamics in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight (050607-02)
Dr. Tiffany Moisan
The ocean view from the COOL room: Lessons learned after a decade building the shelf-wide New Jersey Shelf ocean observing system  (050603-01)
Prof. Oscar Schofield
AUV Control I
(Ura,T; Leonard,J)
Design of output-feedback control system for high speed maneuvering of an underwater vehicle (050304-07)
Mr. Jon Refsnes
A Fuzzy Controller for Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems (050303-32)
Mr. Bin Xu
Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Spheroidal Underactuated Underwater Vehicle (050211-11)
Vahram Stepanyan
Nonlinear Output Feedback Controller Design For Tracking Control of ODIN In Wave Disturbance Condition (050305-01)
Mr. Liu Shuyong
ROV Enabling Technology
(Manley,J; Eustice,R)
SHARPS: Precision Ranging Complimenting ROV Navigation (050304-48)
Dr. Brian Bingham
A Kalman Filter for the Navigation of Remotely Operated Vehicles (050221-01)
Mr. Dean Steinke
Development of Advanced Secondary Cable for the Full Ocean Depth ROV Kaiko (050415-04)
Mr. Tetsuji Maki
The IWROV: The Intelligent Future (050223-05)
Mr. Richard Gross
Sep 21
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Classification of Underwater Targets II
(Dobeck,G; Azimi-Sadjadi,M)
Forward-Looking Sonar Target Tracking and Homing From a Small AUV (050304-14)
Mr. James Cobb
Multi-frequency Backscatter Variations for Classification of Mine-like Targets from Low-resolution Sonar Data (050210-02)
Dr. Jason Stack
Efficient Constitution of a Vector-Hydrophone for Boundryless Direction-Finding (050222-02)
Mr. Javad Ahmadi-Shokouh
Buoy Technology III
(Paul,W; Chaffey,M)
Development and Testing of an A-Sized Rapidly Deployable Navigation and Communication GATEWAY Buoy (050304-113)
Dr. Frederick Driscoll
Medusa: the design and development of a TCP/IP communications nexus for the MOOS Portable Ocean Observatory Program (050304-138)
Mr. Timothy Meese
COMPS, SEACOOS and Near-Shore Waves (050415-28)
Mr. Rick Cole
MTS Buoy Technology Committee Meeting (050804-01)
Walter Paul
Ocean Industry I
Project ENDEAVOR: A Distributed System for Marine Vehicle Performance Analysis (050304-108)
Mr. Donald Fabozzi II
Improving Ship Maneuverability Standards as a Means for Increasing Ship Controllability and Safety (050323-02)
Mr. Ye Li
Marine Geodesy I
(Parsons,R; Kumar,M)
An Experiment Designed to Develop the Next Generation Tsunami Detection and Warning Buoy (050415-31)
Dr. George Maul
GPS Surveyed Time-Invariant Ellipsoidal Depths of the Sea Floor for Safe Navigation (050415-15)
Dr. Muneendra Kumar
Review of Progress on VDatum, a Vertical Datum Transformation Tool (050302-14)
Dr. Edward Myers III
Homeland Security Operations II
(Bannon,B; Hurst,P)
Use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) for Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) (050304-44)
Brian Tetreault
Operational Availability Based On Wave Climatology, Concept Of Operations, And Hull Form (050211-02)
Mr. Sean Kery
Fatigue Life Prediction Modeling In Support Of The Development Of Ship Board Exposed Equipment (050211-01)
Mr. Sean Kery
Marine Living Resources I
(Gerstein,E; Thorne,R)
Acoustic monitoring of the juvenile pink salmon food supply and predators in Prince William Sound, Alaska (050301-08)
Dr. Richard Thorne
Estimating Chinook Salmon Escapement on the Copper River (050215-23)
Mr. Keith van den Broek
Monitoring Pacific herring abundance with combined acoustic and optical technologies (050301-09)
Dr. Richard Thorne
The Opportunities and Constraints of using Satellite Remote Sensing Platforms for Biodiversity Monitoring (050301-17)
Mr. William Crosse
Sep 21
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12:00 PM
Marine Law and Policy IV
(Raymond,R; Harris,A)
Offshore Project Economics and Resource Convergence (050205-02)
Mr. Brian Braginton-Smith
What was Old is New Again: Economic Potential of Deep Ocean Minerals the Second Time Around (050304-127)
Ms. Caitlyn Antrim
Integrated Sustainable Community Infrastructure (050205-03)
Mr. Brian Braginton-Smith
Ocean Energy Development and US Marine Law and Policy (050414-04)
Ms. Carolyn Elefant
Operations Models II
Seawater Desalination: A Generalized Model for Feedwater Intakes (050415-89)
Dr. Anthony Jones
Some Practical Ways to Determine Coastal Current's Vertical Structure (050304-36)
Dr. Colin Shen
Bayesian Estimation of Mean Shipping Densities from Multiple Data Sources (050714-01)
Mr. Yvan Gauthier
Underwater Environment
(Dial,K; Kracker,L)
Measurements of velocity dispersion in marine sediments during Boundary04 Malta Plateau experiment  (050412-05)
Dr. Altan Turgut
Sanctuary Sounds - Monitoring Underwater Sounds in the National Marine Sanctuaries (050215-04)
Ms. Cathy Sakas
Sound Speed Estimation from Sparse Environmental Measurements With Application To Mode Filtering (050304-131)
Mr. Eric St. Pierre
Underwater Communications I
(Freitag,L; Stojanovic,M)
Experimental study on variable adaptive equalizer for underwater communication system (050223-06)
Prof. Yingmin Wang
Generalized Equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communications (050304-29)
Dr. Aijun Song
Blind Cancellation of Wideband Frequency Modulated Interference in a Wideband Acoustic Communication Channel (050303-22)
Dr. Jasdeep Dhanoa
Undersea Communication Network as a 3-D UUV Navigation Aid  (050415-49)
Mr. Sean Ouimet
Marine and Ocean Education IV
(Lovelace,S; Walker,S)
Advancing collaboration: Analysis of the effectiveness of research and education partnerships at sea using real-time technology and professional development (050304-31)
Dr. Rachel Reed
Ocean Literacy through Science Standards (050228-06)
Ms. Sarah Schoedinger
Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE): A National Network Success Story! (050415-26)
Dr. Sharon Walker
MATE ROV Competitions: Partnering with MTS and other professional societies to engage students in hands-on ocean education (050416-02)
Ms. Jill Zande
Ocean Observation Education - Opportunities for K-12 Educators II
(Meeson,B; Hotaling,L)
Preparing Educators with Practical Science: Ocean Observing in the Classroom (050304-23)
Ms. Amy Cline
The Maury Project and Datastreme Ocean: AMS Teacher Enhancement Programs for the Ocean Sciences (050322-01)
Dr. David Smith
The Gulf Stream Voyage: Using Real Time Data in the Classroom (050415-71)
Ms. Liesl Hotaling
Follow the World's Ocean Currents with NOAA's Adopt a Drifter Program (050316-10)
Dr. Diane Stanitski
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Sep 21
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3:15 PM
Remotely Sensed Ocean Optics-Applications
(Ripley,H; Crout,R)
Short-Term Forecast of the Quality of Water in the New York Coastal Zone Using Multispectral Satellite Data (050217-07)
Prof. Boris Shteinman
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Two SeaWiFS Algorithms in Case I and Case II Waters (050203-04)
Mr. Timothy Wynne
ALB Technical Development - Object Detection (050721-01)
Mr. Rhys Barker
Remotely Sensed Data Assimilation and Application
(Gottshall,E; Mineart,G)
Measurement of sea-surface velocities from sequential satellite images using the Hopfield neural network  (050210-01)
Dr. Adrian Tatnall
An SST-Buoy Matchup System (050415-36)
Dorlisa Hommel
Image Processing in Biological Applications
(Watson,J; Schechner,Y)
Real-time monitoring of fish species activity on an inshore coral reef (050216-04)
Ms. Robin Bradbeer
Development of a Free-Drifting Submersible Digital Holographic Imaging System (050225-04)
Don Pfitsch
The Integrated Ocean Observing System Coastal Module I
(Klemas,V; Schofield,O)
Design and Deployment of the Bonne Bay Observatory (B2O)  (050301-19)
Prof. Brad deYoung
The Marine Environmental Prediction System (MEPS) - A New Generation of Moored Ocean Observing Systems (050303-06)
Mr. Scott McLean
AUV Control II
(Leonard,J; Ura,T)
Identification of a Low-Complexity Flow Field Model for AUV Applications (050304-47)
Mr. Jan Petrich
AUV Experiments in Obstacle Avoidance (050304-18)
Mr. Douglas Horner
A Low-Speed Control Module for a Streamlined AUV (050304-65)
Dr. Craig Woolsey
Dynamics Modeling and Control of a Variable Length Remotely Operated Vehicle Tether (050304-117)
Mr. Sairam Prabhakar
ROV Applications and Challenges
(Parry,J; Camilli,R)
Development of the 'ThaiXPole' Underwater Robot for the Antarctica Exploration (050309-01)
Dr. Jackrit Suthakorn
Cable & Pipeline Burial at 3,000M (050228-09)
Mr. Fred Hettinger
The Development Of Ocean Surface Wave Climatology in Support of Continental Shelf Projects (050211-04)
Mr. Sean Kery
Sep 21
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3:15 PM
Sonar Signal Processing
(Candy,J; Sullivan,E)
Passive Sonar Array Sub-space Processing based on Modal Decomposition (050411-07)
Prof. Lisa Zurk
Enhanced Processing for a Towed Array Using an Optimum Noise Canceling Approach (050303-29)
Dr. Edmund Sullivan
Comparison between whitened generalized cross correlation and adaptive filter for time delay estimation with scattered arrays for passive positioning of moving targets in Baltic Sea shallow waters (050415-12)
Ms. V. Zetterberg
AQS-20 Sonar Processing Enhancement for Bathymetry Estimation (050405-03)
Mr. Costin Barbu
Buoy Technology IV
(Chaffey,M; Cole,R)
The experimental unified communications system for the buoy to localize the whale (050302-12)
Prof. Chan-Wang Park
Assessment of Sub-Surface Mooring Dynamics with ADCP in High Speed Environments (050304-68)
Ms. Jennifer Ewald
Ocean Structures and Analysis
(Vitale ,P; Dorin,H)
Research on the flange plate of the comb-type caisson (050408-01)
Dr. Tao Zhang
Structural Response of Impact-Damaged Composite Panels (050304-136)
Prof. Sarah Mouring
Marine Geodesy II
(Kumar,M; Parsons,R)
Mosaicing of 3D Sonar Data Sets - Techniques and Applications. (050415-06)
Dr. Rolf Hansen
Kumar Mapping (KMap) System 2005 for Nautical Charts (050415-23)
Dr. Muneendra Kumar
Marine Information System: Suggested Improvements (050415-32)
Dr. Francis Derby
Marine Geodesy Committee Meeting (050607-03)
Dr. Muneendra Kumar
Homeland Security Operations I
(Hurst,P; Bannon,B)
Naval Maritime Port and Harbor Security Test and Evaluation Site (NMSTES) (050307-05)
Mr. Stephen James
CENTURION Harbor Surveillance Test Bed (050304-134)
Ted Bick
Project Centurion: A Pasive Acoustic Underwater Harbor and Port Security System (050304-130)
Mr. David Warren
Today's Designs, Tomorrow's Alternatives
(Jones,A; Braginton-Smith,B)
Realistic Ocean Energy Alternatives to Fossil Fuels (050316-04)
Dr. John Craven
The Hydrogen Economy of 2050: OTEC Driven? (050415-94)
Dr. Joseph van Ryzin
Ocean Energy Design Projects at the U.S. Naval Academy (050304-145)
Dr. Jennifer Waters
Sep 21
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3:15 PM
Ocean Mapping
(Vogt,B; McDonough,J)
UN Atlas of the Oceans (050225-02)
Dr. John Everett
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Information System: A One-Stop Source for Coral Reef Data and Information (050304-39)
Ms. Karen Taylor
Creating a GIS from NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts (050301-14)
Mr. Matthew Austin
Synthetic Aperture Sonar I
(Sternlicht,D; Commander,K)
Synthetic Aperture Processing of Buried Object Scanning Sonar Data (050414-13)
Prof. Steven Schock
Acoustic Modeling for Sea-Mine CAD/CAC Development (050301-18)
Dr. J. Harbaugh
Height Estimation on Wideband Synthetic Aperture Sonar: Experimental Results from INSAS-2000 (050426-01)
Mr. Torstein Sæbø
Underwater Communications II
(Freitag,L; Stojanovic,M)
Channel Q function and capacity (050211-07)
Dr. TC Yang
Estimating Mutual Information for the Underwater Acoustic Channel (050412-07)
Dr. Paul Gendron
Higher Order Nonlinear Combination Tones Applied to Underwater Digital Communications (050413-09)
Mr. Stephen Fogg
Measurements of spatial coherence, beamforming gain and diversity gain for underwater acoustic communications (050211-06)
Dr. TC Yang
Marine and Ocean Education V
(Cook,S; Meeson,B)
An MTS student chapter hosting a High School ROV competition: A model for technology education (050301-13)
Mr. Brennan Phillips
Data, data everywhere: Guidelines for developing effective educational ocean sciences websites for non-scientific audiences (050303-20)
Vicki Clark
The STAR Program: An Innovative Approach to Teaching the Scientific Method to High School Students (050217-01)
Ms. Amy Erb
Living Classrooms: Teaching Ocean Education through National Marine Sanctuaries (050204-05)
Michiko Martin
Ocean Instrumentation IV
(Diercks,A; Schmidt,W)
Waves and Seiches in Flathead Lake, Montana: Measurements of a Quiet Lake by Acoustic Travel-Time Current Measurements (050304-147)
Dr. Albert Williams 3rd
A New Vehicle for Measuring Deep Ocean Mixing (050318-01)
Ellyn Montgomery
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Sep 21
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
Bathymetry From Space I
(Mineart,G; Smith,W)
Bathymetry from Space: Technologies and Applications (050406-01)
Mr. Gary Mineart
Bathymetry from Satellite Altimetry: Present and Future (050415-75)
Dr. Walter Smith
Resolution and Precision of a Delay-Doppler Radar Altimeter (050325-03)
Dr. R. Keith Raney
Underwater Propagation and Scattering II
(Soukup,R; Foote,K)
Effect of surface wave variability on mid-to-high frequency acoustic propagation in shallow water  (050215-09)
Mr. Luc Lenain
A Low- and Mid-Frequency Bistatic Scattering Model for the Ocean Surface (050304-85)
Dr. Roger Gauss
Bottom Backscattering Strengths Measured at 2-5 kHz in Shallow Water West of Scotland (050304-86)
Mr. Edward Kunz
Mode Equalization at Megameter Ranges (050304-114)
Mr. Tarun Chandrayadula
Non-Acoustic Mosaic I
(Rish,J; Singh,H)
Underwater Mosaic Creation using Video Sequences from Different Altitudes (050304-122)
Dr. Nuno Gracias
Monocular-Based 3-D Seafloor Reconstruction and Ortho-Mosaicing by Piecewise Planar Representation (050304-120)
Prof. Shahriar Negahdaripour
Calibration of DIDSON Forward-Scan Acoustic Video Camera (050304-121)
Prof. Shahriar Negahdaripour
On Search Data and Search Space Strategies in Image Registration (050202-02)
Mr. Anthony Amankwah
Ocean Observing Systems for Surveying and Warning
Evaluating a Global Wide Area Differential GPS System for Hydrographic Surveying (050415-69)
Mr. Elliot Arroyo-Suarez
GPS-Tracked Buoy for Hydrographic Survey Applications (050304-118)
Dr. Marshall Earle
Technology Developments in Real-Time Tsunami Measuring, Monitoring and Forecasting (050304-63)
Mr. Christian Meinig
Analyses of Hurricane Ivan Wave in the Gulf of Mexico (050415-58)
Prof. Vijay Panchang
AUV Interactive Vehicles
(Brancart,C; Camilli,R)
Network Centric Warfare with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Results from Experimentation with the HUGIN 1000 AUV (050425-01)
Mr. Per Espen Hagen
Remote Delivery of Unmanned Systems Technologies (050128-03)
Mr. Douglas Freeman
SCOUT- A Low Cost autonomous surface platform for research in cooperative autonomy. (050228-02)
Joseph Curcio
A Design of Tiny Basin Test-bed for AUV Multi Agent (050303-02)
Prof. Keisuke Watanabe
Classification of Underwater Targets III
(Azimi-Sadjadi,M; Dobeck,G)
Echo- waveform classification using model and model free techniques: experimental study results from central western continental shelf of India (050304-41)
Dr. Bishwajit Chakraborty
Estimation of a Coupling Feature for Target Classification Using Passive Sonar (050207-03)
Dr. Tanmay Roy
Sep 21
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5:30 PM
Target Recognition and Identification
Buried Underwater Target Classification using the new BOSS and Canonical Coordinate Decomposition Feature Extraction (050221-02)
Prof. Mahmood Azimi-Sadjadi
High Resolution Sonar Processing for Autonomous Identification (050215-02)
Dr. Frank Crosby
A Novel Process for Littoral Target Recognition: Preliminary Analysis Results (050415-34)
Dr. Robert Jannarone
Study of Feature Discrimination Effects due to Time Varying Channel for Passive Sonar (050304-34)
Mr. Arnab Das
Cables and Connectors
(Coughlin,T; Sandwith,C)
High Reliability, Modular Ocean Cable Termination (050415-98)
Ms. Ruth Simpson
Breakthrough Advances in Cable Termination Technology (050415-54)
Mr. Robert Lindberg
Mechanisms, Procedures, and Instruments to Detect Faults and Defects in Electro-Optical Oceanic Cable Arrays in SSW vs. FW (050331-05)
Prof. Colin Sandwith
Reliability and economic considerations for connector applications in undersea system designs. (050719-01)
Mr. John Toth
Ocean Industry III, Aquaculture
KRAKEN: A New Approach for Ultra Low Cost Oceanic Transport of Fresh Water, Natural Gas and Thermal Energy. (050303-40)
Dr. James Powell
Factors affecting the underwater noise of commercial vessels operating in environmentally sensitive areas. (050325-01)
Raymond Fischer
Marine Geodesy III
(Derby,F; Kumar,M)
Concept for Military Surveys to IHO Standards Without Shore Stations using the Real Time Gipsy (RTG) Global Positioning System (GPS) (050223-01)
Mr. Maxim van Norden
The Application of GPS to High Frequency Oceanic Detecting Radar (050411-04)
Prof. SHI Zhenhua
Homeland Security Policy Issues
(Kenul,P; Mendlow,L)
Homeland Security and the Global Ocean (050415-13)
Heather Gilbert
Underwater Technology for Commercial Port & Vessel Security: Who is going to pay for it? (050302-08)
Mr. Michael Smookler
One Ocean Initiative and Future Generation Vessels (050417-01)
Mr. Abdolkhalegh Dehziri
Ocean Energy Issues
(Jones,A; Braginton-Smith,B)
Effects of a Submerged Vertical Plate and a Wave Energy Absorption Air-chamber to a Hydroelastic Response Reduction of VLFS (050227-02)
Dr. Tomoki Ikoma
Cross Sector Partnership Results in Increased Marine Biodiversity Information, Awareness, and an Initial Biodiversity Action Plan in the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela. (050413-04)
Mr. Fernando Rodriguez
Sep 21
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5:30 PM
Marine Law and Policy V: Marine Protected Areas: State, National and International Initiatives
(Kuska,G; Averyt,K)
Envisioning A National System of Marine Protected Areas (050415-21)
Mr. Joseph Uravitch
Scientific Foundation for a National System of MPAs (050307-01)
Dr Charles Wahle
State of Massachusetts Marine Protected Area Efforts. (050415-24)
Susan Snow-Cotter
Developing a global Network of Marine Protected Areas by 2012 (050415-22)
Mr. Scott Smith
Operations Models I
(Fox,W; Kenny,M)
Ship Motion Prediction for Launch and Recovery of Air Vehicles (050503-01)
Mr. Ameer Khan
Operational Estuarine and Coastal Forecast Model Systems in NOAA's Ocean Service (050304-76)
Dr. Frank Aikman
An Ecosystem Management Model System for the Satilla River Estuary, Georgia (050223-02)
Dr. Changsheng Chen
Real-time Narrative Summaries for NOAA's PORTS® (050415-10)
Ms. Jennifer Werner
Synthetic Aperture Sonar II
(Commander,K; Sternlicht,D)
Concepts for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Performance Prediction and Mission Planning (050126-02)
James Campbell
Detection and imaging of moving targets in wide band SAS using fast time back projection combined with STAP  (050415-20)
Dr. Mats Pettersson
Reconstruction of Under-sampled SAS Data Using the WIPE Algorithm (050204-07)
Angela Putney
Underwater Communications III
(Freitag,L; Stojanovic,M)
An Underwater Acoustic Telemetry Modem for Eco-Sensing (050308-01)
Dr. Ronald Iltis
Multi-Band Acoustic Modem for the Communications and Navigation Aid AUV (050303-25)
Mr. Lee Freitag
The WHOI Micro-Modem: An Acoustic Communications and Navigation System for Multiple Platforms (050303-28)
Mr. Lee Freitag
Marine and Ocean Education VI
(Meeson,B; Day,E)
What Busy Scientists Need To Know: Engaging Ocean Scientists in Education and Outreach through Partnerships with On-going Programs (050215-21)
Prof. Teresa Greely
EstuaryLive: Linking Classrooms to Estuaries over the Internet (050415-97)
Ms. Atziri Ibanez
Engaging Teenage Girls from Diverse Backgrounds in the Ocean Sciences via the Oceanography Camp for Girls: Barriers, Solutions, and Successes (050215-22)
Angela Lodge
Applying GLOBE Measurements and Resources to the Study of Marine Environments (050415-84)
Mr. John McLaughlin
Tomales Environmental Learning Center -- A Gateway to the Ocean (050210-04)
Bill McMillon
Communications, Navigation and Safety: Systems
(Kracker,L; Riley,J)
Demystifying the Maritime Zones and Other Marine Boundaries on NOAA's Nautical Charts (050415-79)
Mr. Ole Varmer
Navigating the Nation's Marine Managed Areas: Incorporation of MMA Information into the Nation's Navigational Products (050304-77)
Mr. Aaron King
An Integrated Navigation System for Underwater Vehicles Based on Inertial Sensors and Pseudo LBL Acoustic Transponders (050217-02)
Dr. Pan-Mook Lee
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Sep 22
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Future Space-Based Ocean Observation Sensors and Systems
(Grano,V; Miller,E)
Spatial and Temporal Resolution Requirements for Coastal Remote Sensing from Geostationary Satellite Orbit (050210-05)
Dr. Victor Klemas
New Ocean Observations Capabilities Provided by CMIS (050412-08)
Dr. Thomas Meissner
Sea surface temperature - a key EDR from NPOESS VIIRS (050412-09)
Dr. Andrew Harris
A new capability for Monitoring the Coastal Ocean from Geostationary Orbit (050304-17)
Dr. Curtiss Davis
NOAA Ocean Surface Topography Mission Jason-2 Project Overview (050413-02)
Mr. Walid Bannoura
Ocean Instrumentation V
(Schmidt,W; Harris,M)
MEMS based Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Sensor for Harsh Oceanic Environment  (050304-95)
Mr. Shyam Aravamudhan
Performance of a New Submersible Tide-Wave Recorder (050303-19)
Dr. Frank Johnson
Disdrometer calibration using an adaptive signal processing algorithm  (050415-73)
Mr. Achilleas Kourtellis
Transitioning Ocean Observing Systems from Research to Operations
(Zilkoski,D; Milne,P)
Moving to an Operational Systems for Forecasting Harmful Algal Blooms (050303-17)
Dr. Richard Stumpf
NOAA's HF Radar Surface Current Mapping Activities and Plans  (050902-01)
Dr. Jack Harlan
The US Integrated Ocean Observing System (050415-92)
Prof. Mark Luther
Employing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as an Element of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (050208-03)
Mr. Andrew Lomax
AUV Navigation
(Parry,J; Horner,D)
Experiments in Moving Baseline Navigation using Autonomous Surface Craft (050228-04)
Joseph Curcio
SP3003D Digital Compass (050211-05)
Mr. Jim Lackemacher
Seafloor Observing System Design and Performance I
(Palmer,H; Janaitis,T)
Assessing the Potential Deep-Sea Biogeo-Chemical Hazards to Submarine Fiber-Optic and Ocean Observatory Cables (050331-04)
Dr. Brian Parsons
Deployment of Mobile and Real-time Deep Seafloor Observatory  (050225-05)
Dr. Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi
A Leveling System for an Ocean-Bottom Seismometer (050304-119)
Dr. Fred Thwaites
Sep 22
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12:00 PM
Sonar Imaging and Visualization
Video Intensity Mapping for Fair Receiver Comparison (050304-16)
Dr. Ivars Kirsteins
ReFOCUSD: A Technique for Real-Time Enhancement of Low-Frequency SONAR Images in Dynamic Situations (050131-02)
Dr. Robert Minniti, III
Effect of Suspended Sediment on Acoustic Detection Using the Navy's CASS-GRAB Model (050301-23)
Prof. Peter Chu
Ropes and Tension Members-I
(Davis,G; Flory,J)
High Modulus Fibers Bring New Strength To Ropes (050323-01)
Mr. Gale Foster
Evaluation of New and Used Fiber Ropes (050415-33)
Mr. Henry McKenna
Fibre Ropes for Station Keeping - Engineering properties and Qualification procedures (050304-52)
Mr. Michel François
MTS Ropes and Tension Members Committee Annual Meeting (050604-01)
Mr. John Flory
Marine Geodesy IV
(Kumar,M; Derby,F)
Implementation of a Positioning and Telemetry Buoy to Determine Chart Datum for Hydrographic Survey Applications (050304-78)
Mr. Elliot Arroyo-Suarez
The impact of varying seafloor topographies, and object geometries on resolution for multibeam echosounders and multi-angle swath bathymetry systems (050414-09)
Mr. Richard Tidd
Homeland Security Technology
(Hurst,P; Bannon,B)
Innovative Security Assessment During the Facility Design Stage: Protecting People, Assets and the Marine Environment in the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela. (050415-95)
Mr. Fernando Rodriguez
Broadband toxicity sensing for rapid surveys of drinking water storage facilities (050304-152)
Mr. Bryan Schulz
Marine Living Resources II
(Thorne,R; Gerstein,E)
Acoustical Masking and Manatees (050304-102)
Dr. Edmund Gerstein
The Acoustics of Vessel Collisions with Marine Mammals (050304-101)
Dr. Edmund Gerstein
Integrated Marine Mammal Monitoring and Protection System (IMAPS) (050415-87)
Irena Lucifredi
Sep 22
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12:00 PM
Sonar Calibration
Calibrating multibeam sonar by the standard-target method: extending limited measurements (050304-142)
Dr. Kenneth Foote
Scheme for parametric sonar calibration by standard target (050304-143)
Dr. Kenneth Foote
In-Situ Acoustic Calibration Technique for Range and Bearing Arrays (050408-07)
Mr. Marv Watson
Localization and Tracking
Source Localization with an Acousto-Optic, Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Array (050207-02)
Dr. Fletcher Blackmon
Broadband beamspace DOA Estimation with application to interfering sources suppression (050414-03)
Dr. Shefeng Yan
Ocean and Coastal Water Pollution
Seawater Leaching Investigation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Solid Matrices (050304-24)
Dr. Robert George
A Comparison of PAHs in Produced Water Discharges and Flared gas Emissions to the Ocean (050414-08)
Dr. Kelly Hawboldt
Experiment on Purification of the Water Quality by using of Cohesion Powder  (050304-148)
Dr. Kyoichi Okamoto
Underwater Communications IV
(Freitag,L; Stojanovic,M)
Performance of coded OFDM in very shallow water channels and snapping shrimp noise (050303-01)
Mr. Mandar Chitre
Phase Tracking Loop in the Underwater QPSK Transmission (050415-05)
Dr. Seung-Geun Kim
Wideband Underwater Acoustic CDMA : Adaptive Multichannel Receiver Design  (050304-26)
Dr. Milica Stojanovic
Marine and Ocean Education VII
(Haynes,S; Schoedinger,S)
Using Observing Systems to Enhance Ocean Science Education  (050412-03)
Dr. Laura Murray
Santa Clara University's Marine Education Program (050415-17)
Mr. Jeffrey Ota
Effectiveness of NOAA's Ocean Exploration Professional Development for Teachers - A Summary of Evaluation Results (050413-08)
Ms. Cindy Renkas
Oil and Chemical Spills
(Jones II, REM,G; Camilli,R)
Development of a Non-Contact Oil Spill Detection System (050304-132)
Mr. Christopher Chase
Emergency Response in National Marine Sanctuaries (050214-06)
Lisa Symons
Resources and UnderSea Threats: A database tool to assist in response and prevention of multi-hazard events.  (050408-04)
Mr. Michael Overfield
Sep 22
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Sep 22
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3:15 PM
Bathymetry From Space II
(Smith,W; Mineart,G)
Connections Between Ocean Bottom Topography and the Earth's Climate (050413-05)
Dr. Steven Jayne
Accuracy of the 2500 m Isobath from Satellite Bathymetry (050413-01)
Dr. Karen Marks
On the Question of Using an Altimeter Designed for Bathymetry for Monitoring Ocean Mesoscale Variability. (050317-04)
Dr. Francis Monaldo
NGA's Analysis of the Smith and Sandwell Bathymetry Model (topo_8.2) and Implications for Bathymetric Modeling (050316-05)
Dr. Ronald Trimmer
Surface-Based Radars
(Trizna,D; Harlan,J)
Microwave and HF Multi-frequency Radars (050215-24)
Dr. Dennis Trizna
Polarimetric, C - Band, Narrow Pulse Doppler-Scatterometer for Platform Application  (050213-02)
Prof. Artashes Arakelyan
Surface current response of Hudson River plume to wind forcing (050415-65)
Dr. Josh Kohut
Seamless Access to Surface Current Vectors from the IOOS HF Radar Backbone (050302-10)
Mr. Daniel Holloway
Laser Imaging Methods and Applications
(Kocak,D; Caimi,F)
Underwater Video Spot Detector (050413-11)
Mr. Anton Mamaenko
Structured Light Methods for Underwater Imaging: Light Stripe Scanning and Photometric Stereo. (050415-80)
Prof. Srinivasa Narasimhan
EODES-3: An Electro-Optic Imaging and Performance Prediction Model (050304-139)
Dr. Thomas Giddings
Use of a Video and Laser System to Quantify Transect Area for Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Rockfish and Abalone Population Surveys (050601-01)
Ms. Deanna Pinkard
Enabling Technologies and Platforms for Ocean Observatories
(Isern,A; Clark,A)
A Solar Powered Ocean Observatory Using Acoustic and Iridium Links (050304-38)
Mr. Jonathan Ware
High-speed optical telemetry system with 310 Mb/s Raman modulators for scientific underwater cable networks (050304-02)
Mr. Toshiyuki Tokura
ROV Serviceable Science Node for Cabled Ocean Observatories (050414-15)
Mr. Nazeeh Shaheen
Optical Modem Technology for Seafloor Observatories (050302-07)
Mr. Norm Farr
AUV Advanced Controllers and Applications
(Ura,T; Eustice,R)
A Comparison of Two Approaches for Adaptive Sampling of Environmental Processes Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (050304-27)
Mr. Christopher Cannell
Hydrodynamic/Autopilot Design of an AUV (050304-50)
Mr. Michael Graves II
Ship Hull Inspection by Hull-Relative Navigation and Control (050228-11)
Dr. Jerome Vaganay
Seafloor Observing System Design and Performance II
(Palmer,H; Wilson,J)
Operational Support of Regional Cabled Observatories (050303-34)
Mr. Thomas Dawe
LEO-15 Observatory  The Next Generation (050224-03)
Elizabeth Creed
Sep 22
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3:15 PM
Sonar Detection Systems I
(Candy,J; Terry,J)
Passive Sonar Harmonic Detection Using Feature Extraction and Clustering Analysis (050420-01)
Ms. Jane Terry
Optimum GLRT detector based on the statistical model of reverberation (050421-02)
Dr. Yixin Yang
Optimal array pattern synthesis with desired magnitude response (050414-05)
Dr. Shefeng Yan
Ropes and Tension Members-II
(Hudon,T; Flory,J)
Design Modifications to Increase Fatigue Life of Fiber Ropes (050301-12)
Dr. Forrest Sloan
Emerging Technology: DPX Jacketed Mooring Lines (050126-01)
Mr. Jonathon Miller
The Importance of Properly Representing Line Stiffness In Mooring Analysis (050227-01)
Mr. John Flory
Data Products and Visualizations
(Powell,J; Irish,J)
Examples of practical mechanisms for improving the coordination of operational oceanography at a national and international level (050304-19)
Dr. Ralph Rayner
A Methodology for the Efficient Storage and Processing of Coastal Point Data (050415-85)
Mr. Timothy Kearns
Homeland Security Acoustic Technology
(Kracker,L; Bannon,B)
High resolution real-time 3D sonar inspection of vessel hulls and below the waterline port and harbor structures in zero visibility conditions using the Echoscope 3D sonar (050331-02)
Mr. Angus Lugsdin
Multi-platform, sonar-based systems for protecting coastal zones from submerged threats (050225-03)
Dr. Joseph Whalen
Recent Developments in Sonar for EOD Applications (050223-03)
Mr. Bruce Johnson
Homeland Security & Public Safety Dive Teams: How Technology Can Help (050208-01)
Mr. David Mortimer
Marine Living Resources III
(Foote,K; Thorne,R)
Testing of Filter Technologies for Ballast Water Treatment (050415-55)
Scott Riley
A Key to Copepod Nauplii (050301-22)
Dr. John Fornshell
Restoring the Lobster Stock Near Rhode Island: The North Cape Lobster Restoration Program (050425-02)
Warren (Ted) Colburn
Sep 22
1:45 PM
3:15 PM
Public Outreach and Awareness II
(Cooper,S; Moravchik,B)
Smithsonian's Ocean Science Initiative: a partnership between the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (050415-35)
Ms. Sharon Cooper
Ocean Hall: Dynamic partnership between the Nation's Ocean Agency and the National Museum of Natural History (050415-38)
Ms. Joanne Flanders
Smithsonian's Ocean Hall - overall statement of purpose, educational goals, and 65% design phase (050415-40)
Ms. Jill Johnson
Smithsonian's Ocean Science Initiative: a partnership between the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (050415-57)
Carol Fiertz
Marine and Ocean Education X
(Lovelace,S; Zande,J)
Education Standards and Ocean Science - Gray's Reef Ocean Science Course (050215-05)
Ms. Cathy Sakas
The Laboratory for Ocean Color Users (LOCUS)  Merging Research with Oceanographic Education (050411-08)
Dr. James Acker
Ocean and Coastal Water Pollution
(Garber,N; Hartwell,S)
Temporal and Spatial Patterns for Surfzone Bacteria Before and After Disinfection of the Orange County Sanitation District Effluent (050214-16)
Mr. George Robertson
The Presence and Near-Shore Transport of Human Fecal Bacteria in Lake Michigan Beaches (050304-61)
Stephanie Molloy
Valuation of water quality and consumer choice and recognition of beach eco-certification (050302-09)
Mr. Andrew Krueger
Evaluating Storm Water Impacts- Monitoring the Receiving Environment Using a Floating Bioassay Laboratory System (050304-74)
Mr. Chuck Katz
Marine and Ocean Education VIII
(Moulton,E; Cook,S)
Communicating Ocean Sciences: A College Course That Improves Education & Outreach (050415-88)
Craig Strang
Do you know EVERYTHING you would like to know about Ocean Careers? (050415-45)
Ms. Deidre Sullivan
Sep 22
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3:15 PM
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Sep 22
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
Bathymetry From Space III
(Mineart,G; Corson,M)
Maritime Hyperspectral Imaging and Bathymetry of the Coastal Ocean (050414-18)
Dr. Michael Corson
A New Data-Driven Approach to Modeling Coastal Bathymetry from Hyperspectral Imagery Using Manifold Coordinates (050414-14)
Dr. Charles Bachmann
Bathymetry of shallow coastal regions derived from space-borne hyperspectral sensor (050413-03)
Dr. ZhongPing Lee
Aircraft-Based Ocean Sensors
(Schuler,D; Ripley,H)
Utilization of Fully-Polarimetric SAR Data for the Improved Measurement of Directional Ocean Wave Spectra (050201-03)
Dr. Dale Schuler
Time-Series Imaging of Ocean Waves with an Airborne RGB and NIR Sensor (050304-69)
Dr. Brett Hooper
Comparisons of Remotely-Retrieved Directional Wave Spectra over a Large Area with a Shoaling-Wave Model (050304-87)
Dr. Zandy Williams
High-Resolution Passive Microwave-Imaging Concept for Ocean Studies  (050202-03)
Dr. Victor Raizer
Image Processing and Detection
(Rzhanov,Y; Hassan,G)
Non-Acoustic Optical Vulnerability Assessment Software (050414-19)
Mr. Kenneth Matulewski
Zero Latency Image Compression for Real Time Logging While Drilling Applications (050208-04)
Gamal Hassan
Estimation of Surface Wave Parameters from Image Processing of Video Data (050215-07)
Mr. Mykola Vysotskyy
A Wavelet Based Method for the Extraction of Sea Wave Orientation (050214-10)
Dr. Rand Chandler
Ocean Observing: Oceanographic Information Processing II
(Lever,J; Hankin,S)
Web Services: Evolving Techniques in Net-Centric Warfare (050215-12)
Dr. Roy Ladner
Manned Underwater Vehicles
Hydrostatic Testing of a Manned Underwater Vehicle using Fiber Optic Sensors (050316-03)
Dr. Jason Kiddy
A developed Ethernet-based inter-communication system for manned submersible vehicle (050320-01)
Mr. Xianwei Meng
Exploring the Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Dinoflagellate Bioluminescence (050211-12)
Mr. Robert McCown
Climate and Environmental Change
(Myers III,E; Williams 3rd,A)
Engineering Development of the Free Ocean CO2 Enrichment (FOCE) Experiment (050304-93)
Mr. William Kirkwood
Response of Extreme Storm Tide Levels to Long-Term Sea Level Change (050415-53)
Dr. Chris Zervas
The Development Of Ocean Surface Wave Climatology In Support Of Ship To Ship Connected Transfer Of Cargo And Personnel. (050211-03)
Mr. Sean Kery
Sep 22
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5:30 PM
Sonar Detection Systems II
(Candy,J; Terry,J)
Improving CFAR detection through adaptive determination of reference window extents (050304-25)
Mr. Ashwin Sarma
Frequency Agile Detection Performance for a Fast-Moving Forward-Looking Active SONAR (050406-03)
Mr. Adam Mirkin
A trace extract technique for fast moving underwater target (050120-01)
Prof. Qihu Li
(Manley,J; Thwaites,F)
Ceramic 10 in Spherical Floatation Units for 11 km ROV/AUV Systems (050207-07)
Jerry Stachiw
Diffusion-based outlier rejection for underwater navigation (050303-09)
Dr. Jerome Jouffroy
Guidance-Based Path Following for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (050519-01)
Mr. Morten Breivik
Ocean Observing Systems Role in the Census of Marine Life (CoML)
A Discrete Model of Fish Scale Pattern and its Application to the Development of the World Ocean Ichtyological Observation Network (050225-01)
Dr. Igor Smolyar
Organism occurrences in an ocean observing system (050415-63)
Dr. Daphne Fautin
A continental-scale ocean observation system to gather biological as well as physical and chemical oceanographic data for marine resource management (050413-07)
Peggy Tsang
New Solid-State Fluorescence Sensor Used to Monitor Photosynthetic Parameters and Algan Biomass (050214-12)
Ms. Chelsea Donovan
Homeland Security - Maritime Safety
(Bannon,B; Hurst,P)
Applying Today's Technology to Coastal Security Solutions (050420-03)
Dr. Seymour Shapiro
Simulating Test of Ship Navigation Safety Evaluation Using Ship Handling Simulator (050317-01)
Ms. Zhang Xiufeng
The Rescue Wing: Design of a Marine Distress Signaling Device  (050415-29)
Mr. Tomas Melin
Coral Reefs
(Gerstein,E; Foote,K)
Smithsonian Institution Coral Reef Research (050621-01)
Mr. Michael Lang
Smithsonian Institution Marine Science Network (050621-02)
Mr. Michael Lang
The OceanWatch Live Access Server: a Demonstration Project Delivering Satellite-derived Environmental Products for Application toward the Stewardship of Living Marine Resources (050304-92)
Mr. David Foley
Sep 22
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
AUV Docking
(Leonard,J; Downs,R)
Investigation of Autonomous Docking System Elements (050214-17)
Alexander Scherbatyuk
Recovering Unmanned Undersea Vehicles with a Homing and Docking Sonar (050427-01)
Mr. Grant deGoede
Public Outreach and Awareness I
(Morrison III,A; Goldberg,J)
Customer Outreach Using an Authoritative Hydrographic Survey Metadata Database (050209-01)
Mr. Daniel Neumann
Does government really reach out to the public on ocean issues? - Instituting a new outreach paradigm to the public (050415-51)
Mr. Michael Murphy
Public outreach and education as part of a commercial cruise liner and academic partnership on Explorer of the Seas. (050415-66)
Ms. Elizabeth Williams
Global Cooperation and Outreach
GLOBE : A world-wide science, education, and outreach program (050415-82)
Sandra Henderson
U.S.-Portugal Collaborations in Ocean Science and Education (050412-04)
Ms. Melissa Ryan
Marine and Ocean Education IX
(Schoedinger,S; Armstrong,A)
The Naval Seafloor Research Program at California State University, Los Angeles (050214-13)
Prof. Mark Tufenkjian
The New Explorers: Providing an Intellectual Compass for Student Research (050405-02)
Lisa Wu
A Tale of Two Competitions: The Role of Academic Teams in Challenging Students To Pursue Greater Academic Excellence (050405-01)
Lisa Wu
8th International Submarine Races (ISR) (050415-70)
Mr. Kurt Yankaskas
Sep 22
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
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